Monday, November 16, 2009

Losers Vs Winners

Lets have a quick peek of the losers and the winners.


Lehman Brothers - >250 year-old finance giant that filed for bankruptcy on 15th September 2008. Interestingly, week before bankruptcy, one of the executives of Lehman Brothers had tried to seek help from Warren Buffett but failed to get response from him because Warren Buffett did not know how to retrieve the voicemail on his cellphone! Well, I doubted he would help since he only invests on safe bet.

Bernard Madoff - The mastermind of a $60 billion dollar ponzi scheme who claimed that the regulators had slipped past his nose two times despite numerous red flags.

Automobile - It is easier to rescue a burnt egg than GM, so get ready for GM Chapter 7 bankruptcy (true bankruptcy).

Last but not least, the middle to low income taxpayers, there is hardly any good to be expected for these groups, since the upper group comprises both the House and Senate, who decide the fate for us all. Here is the fact, losing 50% of upper class paycheck still beat us; they just have to live cheaper and we simply have to live in hell.


With only 4 years of experience in stock-trading, yet I have been wondering whether it is possible for anyone to win big in economic crash? Indeed, it does!

John Paulson - Winner of the winners. The biggest ever payday $3-$4 billion dollars in Wall Street in 2008 ($1 McChicken each for half of the world population). How did he do that? First of all, you can short (sell high first buy low later) a company but you can never short houses. Back in 2005, he knew the housing mortgages were too risky, so he and his team devised a complex tool to profit if the housing bubble bursts. It is known as Credit Default Swap (CDS), basically it is similar to the insurance you pay if the dealer gots Blackjack, except that in Blackjack it pays 2 to 1, in John Paulson's bet, it pays as much as 80 to 1, and his risk is basically 0%. Sound sweet isn't it? Too bad, we the common people will never be allow to access such complicated tool, it is only for Wallstreet.

Warren Buffett - an all-time winner except his win from 2008 crash wont be realized until many years later. But he is still a winner, with the monstrous size of capital he controls, he had been offered sweet deals by General Electric (GE) and Goldman Sachs (GS) that we again, the ordinary people will never get to taste the same privilege. He could have pocketed $4.1 billion profit on his original $5 billion investment in GS if he sells it today.

In conclusion, what works for them to be a winner usually never works for us. In other words, we are bound to be losers if we blindly follow their paths, because we lack the tools and capital so they are always ahead of us. Besides, most amateur investors lack patience, unlike John Paulson had waited 3 years to sell and Warren Buffett waited 3-5 years before he used his >$20 billions CASH for the right moment to buy. The key to be a winner, is discipline; be good in what you could do, and be certain in what you should do.

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